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Brine shrimp do not need acidity, it will die in acidic water. It needs alkaline water though (PH around 8).

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Related questions

Do brine shrimp need water?

Yes, they do.

Will a mandarin dragonet eat baby brine shrimp?

Baby brine are really too small for a mandarin, you will need to raise the brine shrimp up to a larger size.

When brine shrimp grow do you need to get a bigger tank?


What is the purpose of an air pump in a brine shrimp hatchery?

The purpose is to keep the water moving inside the hatchery without damaging the brine shrimp. Brine shrimp need to be suspended in the water to hatch, and do not hatch well on the bottom. Make sure you have a valve, because almost any airpump will be too powerful for a brine shrimp hatchery without one. All you want to do is keep the brine shrimp from collecting on the bottom.

What are ideal hatching conditions for brine shrimp?

Brine shrimp hatch in a certain amount of salt in there water. If you are trying to make brine shrimp (sea-monkeys) you need to add half a tbl spoon full of salt to purified water. You can not use tap water they can die. The life span of sea monkeys (brine shrimp) is only 6 to 8 months long. Brine shrimp can survive without food for days even months. Adult brine shrimp can also, survive without water. I am entering the science fare for the fourth grade science fair. My project is on brine shrimp. So far i found out brine shrimp hatches the best in fresh water that has half a tbl spoon full of salt. That is how brine shrimp hatch. BY:Natalie Burnau 4th grade

What do pufferfish eat?

you will need to feed them pieces of scallop,crab legs,oysters also gut loaded ghost shrimp,brine shrimp,blood worms and snails.

What tempict ure do the sea monkeys need to live?

Around 73F to 78F is fine for hatching and rearing brine shrimp.

How do brine shrimp get the oxygen they need?

through there sexual parts

Approximately how many brine shrimp are left in Galveston Bay?

That is something you need to ask a ocean biologist or at least the University that is in charge of the bays watersystem. Usually you can find out through the county extension office in the state you live. To approximate the amount of brine would only be know by extensive studies. To my knowledge there are no brine shrimp in Galveston Bay, or any marine or estuarine waters that I know of. Brine shrimp, the most common in the US being Artemia franciscana, are typically found in hypersaline inland waters.

How do you hatch brine shrimp?

The top of a pop bottle the cone chape makes hatiching easier. Some salt, i used iodized salt and it turned out the best. Fresh spring water and make shur the sulity of salt for water is exact!

What Brine shrimp?

Sea monkeys, crustaeseans or animals

What eats pufferfish?

you will need to feed them pieces of scallop,crab legs,oysters also gut loaded ghost shrimp,brine shrimp,blood worms and snails.