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Q: How much French bread dough will you need if you want to make 16 loaves that weigh 12 ounces each after baking?
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Related questions

How many loaves of bread can you make with 15 cups of flour?

It depends on your specific recipe and the size of the loaves you're baking, but you can make about 4 loaves of bread.

When baking banana bread will the oven temperature change making 12 loaves instead of 6?


How many ounces does a loaf bread weigh?

How many ounces in 1 slice depend on the type of bread

How many loaves of french bread will feed 60 people?

To feed 60 people, you will need approximately 10-15 loaves of French bread, depending on the serving size. Each loaf can typically yield 6-8 servings, so be sure to consider portion sizes when determining the quantity needed.

How much is 300 grams of bread?

Three hundred grams of bread is about 11 ounces. Most full loaves of bread are between 12 and 16 ounces or one pound.

7 loaves of bread for 8 at this rate how many loaves of bread can you purchase for 96?


What is the total number of loaves when there are 22 loaves of white bread 17 loaves of wheat bread and 19 gourmet breads?

There is only a total of 39 loaves of bread as the other 19 aren't loaf breads but gourmet breads.

How do you use the word loaves in a sentence?

I have two loaves of bread.

What is the collective noun for bread?

Some collective nouns for loaves are a batch of loaves or a stack of loaves. Other collective nouns for loaves would be a word suitable for the context of the loaves; for example a basket of loaves, a shelf of loaves, a case of loaves, etc.

What is a group of bread loaves called?

A batch

How long does unleavened bread last?

French bread is traditionally baked fresh daily. By storing the loaves tightly wrapped in the refrigerator, French bread may be kept acceptably fresh for 2 - 3 days.

How many loaves of bread to Americans eat each year?

On average, Americans consume around 53 pounds of bread per year, which equates to about 150 loaves of bread.