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Q: How may a fetus react to loud noises during the eighth month?
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Ossification begins in the eighth month of human embryo development?

Ossification, the process of bone formation, starts around the eighth week of embryonic development in humans, not the eighth month. By the end of the eighth month, most bones are already formed in the fetus, but they continue to grow and mature after birth.

Where are the testes located before a baby is born?

In the fetus, the testes are in the abdomen. As development progresses they migrate downward through the groin and into the scrotum. This event takes place late in fetal development, during the eighth month of gestation.

What is the eighth month of the year?

The eighth month of the year is August.

What happens in the seventh month of pregnancy?

There is a better chance that a fetus born during this month will survive. The fetus continues to grow rapidly and may weigh as much as 3 lbs (1.3 kg)

What does it mean if the fetus' activity slows down in the last month?

it may mean that the fetus does not have enough room to move around as freely because during the last month the fetus goes through a final growth spurt. there is also something called intrauterine growth restriction that can cause the fetus to not move as much.

Is october the eighth month of the year in any country?

Not any more, but it was the eighth month in the Old Roman calendar.

Is October the eighth month?

no its the 10

Where did the name Tavia originate?

The name Tavia is derived from the Latin name Octavia, which is a female name for the eighth born child or a child born in the eighth month or the eighth day of a month.

How is a fetus developed in the ninth month?

The final month. During this month, the fetus is getting ready to make a move! Halfway through this month, the fetus will be considered "full term" and ready to be born. During this month, growth continues to be quick. About 2 inches and 2.5 pounds are added to its overall size. At birth, body fat will have increased to about 15 percent. At this point, the fetus has basically run out of kicking space. Most fetuses have settled into a head-down birthing position in the ninth month. Many babies of first time mothers-to-be will drop into the mother's bony pelvis by about the 38th week. This serves as the starting gate for labor and delivery. The umbilical cord has now grown to over 2 feet in length and the placenta weighs in at about 1.5 pounds.

How many movements should be there during eighth month of pregnancy?

3 movements every one hour otherwise consult a doctor

Will a one month fetus show up on a sonogram?

Yes. A competent operator using a good machine will be able to see a one-month old fetus.

Were does the name October come from?

The name of the month October comes from the Latin for 'eighth', because in the old Roman calender October was the eighth month of the year.