A mango Tree takes about 2 years before it starts to bear fruit.
The average mango takes about 2-3 months before they are ripe and ready to eat you can tell when they are ready by the colour of the fruit and the way they are pointing. when they first start to grow they will be pointing up and the colour will be green, they have to be yellow or yellow and red before you can eat them. It is a good idea at about the 2month stage to put a bird cover over the tree or put plastic bags over the fruit so the possums or bats don't eat them.
Hope this helps and happy growing
like all tree crops mango isn't normally growen from seed, it is either rooted or grafted. the reason being two fold: grown from seed the plant has to go through a period of growth called juvenillity in which it does not produce any fruit, this can last for 4-7 years with most fruit but for the carab tree it lasts for 70 years!
the second reason is that grown from seed one losses the verieties qualities and you get something else which may be better (a long shot) and is how one develops new verieties but in most cases it wont be any good and as i mentioned before it will take you 4-7 years before you see the first fruit.
that being said all you need to do is place the seed in moise soil, keep in moist but don't over water or the seed will rot and after it germinates and grows to a seedling plant it in the soil and make sure you give it plenty of water and fertilizer
It typically takes about 2-3 years for a pineapple plant to produce fruit, depending on the variety and growing conditions.
The way mangoes gorw are different from other fruits. A little care would be needed in the beginning and later the mangoes will take care of itself. Now, if you are planning to plant mangoes, it would be important some conideration be given as where to plant them. The best placeto plant mangoes are places where the soil fertility is low and the exposure to sunlight is maximum. You would not need richer soil and the time to grow them would be rainy season. Hope this helps.
about 5 or 6 years
about 48yr
Stalactites typically grow at a rate of 0.01 to 0.02 inches per year. It can take hundreds to thousands of years for a stalactite to grow to a noticeable size, with some of the largest ones taking tens of thousands of years to form.
A pineapple takes 3-5 years to grow. You get a lot of leaves at first, then the fruit slowly grows out of the center.
i hope this helpsit takes atleast 3 or 2 years because a mango tree does Michigan
If in the same area it will take all the nuteriants out of the soil and you can grow more there for many years
well its not even a year its every month you grow 1 inch so that meens you grow 1feet every year
It takes about ten years to reach its full size. Hope this helps! :D
Fruit from a date seed may take as long as six years to grow into a tree . Especially from a date tree that was healthy.