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Depending on the severity of the break you are looking at at least 3 months until the person can walk and about 9 months until they are without any pain.

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Q: How many weeks to heal a broken hip?
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A broken wrist can heal in 4 weeks, but only in younger people. The younger you are the more quickly a fracture will heal. Older people are afraid of falling and breaking a hip or shoulder. Sometimes their body doesn't really recover from the damage and the shock.

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How long does a bruised hip?

The amount of time it takes for a bruised hip to heal depends on the severity of the bruise. Everyone heels differently, so there is set amount of time that it will take for the bruise to heal.

How do you know if your hip is broken?

You can't walk.

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What is a hip pointer?

A hip pointer is a deep bruise on the side of your hip. It feels like a big charlie horse, or like a football players helmet ramming into the side of your hip. It takes time and alot of rest for it to heal correctly. Also it is important to keep an icing it for 2-3 days, every 20 minutes, with 10-15 minute break. If it hurts more than 2 weeks, than you should probably get an x-ray.

What do well hip mean?

Well hip is a terminology that is often used for hip replacement surgery procedures. The hip is located between the thighs and the stomach area. Most people may have hip surgery if they have a slip or fall and have broken their hip.

What is the recovery for a posterior hip dislocation?

About 5 to six weeks

What is the compensation for a broken hip?

In the UK the amount of compensation you can claim depends upon the whether the broken hip is simple or complicated and whether you are left with any ongoing disability and pain. See the related link entitled "hip injury compensation" to see examples of how much compensation you can claim for all manner of hip injuries.

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