served with lemon wedges with freshly shredded tuna with freshly cut vegeteables of your choice.
"Could you please cut this apple into wedges?"or"Use one of those wedges to split this log."
Yes! You can make your own lemon-water "hair spray" Procedure: 1. Cut a lemon (or orange) in wedges. 2. Put the wedges into a pot with two cups of water. 3. Boil until only 1/2 cups of liquid is still left. 4. Let it cool, and put into a spray bottle. 5. Use, when needed! Good luck!
With a knife. Either in wedges or across the middle.
yes wedges were used to build a pyramids and it was used for braking the rocks or cut and so they can build a pyramids
A scissor is a compound machine made up of two wedges joined together at a pivot point. The blades of the scissor act as wedges when they come together to cut material. By concentrating force along a thin edge, the wedges create enough pressure to cut through objects.
Cut the Lemon and put in water!
Try wedges of lemon, orange, onion, garlic, celery, fresh herbs- rosemary/ sage/ oregano.
A bannock is a Scottish bread When a round bannock is cut into wedges, the wedges are often called scones although the two terms (bannock and scone) are often used interchangeably.
Rock Bottom Golf offers a discount on callaway wedges. They sell different brands of callaway wedges at a discounted price. There are many wedges to choose from.
Fried potato wedges(100g) contain 235 kcal .