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Evaporation is really dependent on temperature, relative humidity and surface area not sunlight. Sunlight may increase evaporation by raising the temperature of the water through radiant heat.

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Q: How many time required of evaporation of 500ml water in sunlight?
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Related questions

Does water need sunlight to evaporate?

No, water does not need sunlight to evaporate. The primary factor that drives evaporation is heat energy, which can come from various sources, not just sunlight. Evaporation occurs when water molecules gain enough energy to escape from the liquid and enter the air as a gas.

What type of irrigation loses the most water to evaporation?

Surface irrigation loses the most water to evaporation because water is applied directly to the soil surface where it is exposed to air and sunlight, increasing the likelihood of evaporation.

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sunlight and water

Does the surface area of water affects its rate of evaporation without wind or direct sunlight?

yes. the greater the area, the more the evaporation.

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water, and sunlight

Is sunlight speeding up the evaporation of a bowl of water a chemical change?

No, sunlight speeding up the evaporation of water is not a chemical change. It is a physical process where the water molecules transition from liquid to vapor state without any change in their chemical composition.

Will dyes affect water evaporation rate?

Dyes alone typically do not affect water evaporation rate. However, dyes can indirectly impact evaporation rate if they change the absorption properties of the water, which can influence how quickly the water heats up from sunlight and therefore evaporates.

Is required for photosynthesis?

if you are asking what is required for photosynthesis, it is sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

What is the process called when the sun heats water and changes it into water vapor?

The process is called evaporation. As sunlight heats water, it provides energy for the water molecules at the surface to break free and transform into water vapor, which then rises into the atmosphere.

Natural sources of water particles in the atmosphere?

Evaporation. Sunlight hitting any liquid water will cause the water to evaporate into its gaseous state.

HOW MUCH IS 500ml?

500ml is 0.5Litres, approx. a medium sized water botttle.

Does colored water affect evaporation resherarch?

Colored water may affect the rate of evaporation compared to clear water due to factors like absorption of sunlight and heat retention. The color can impact how quickly the water absorbs energy, which may influence the rate of evaporation. Conducting research on colored water's effect on evaporation could provide insights into these factors.