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Around 1.8 billion in America. 99+ billion in the world

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Q: How many people were alive in 1914?
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How many born in 1914 will still be alive by 2015?

depends on how healthy they are

What are the release dates for Very Much Alive - 1914?

Very Much Alive - 1914 was released on: USA: June 1914

What actors and actresses appeared in Very Much Alive - 1914?

The cast of Very Much Alive - 1914 includes: Fred Mace as The Jealous Suitor

How many people are alive from the Hindenburg crash?

2 people are still alive

How many people lived in the Canada at the time of the war 1914-1918?

In 1914 it was about 7,900,000 by the end of the war it was about 8,200,000

Is Jonas still alive?

No Jonas Salk is no longer alive. He was born in 1914 and died in 1995.

When is the next time the Jehovah's witnesses predict the end of the world?

Within the lifetime of the generation (generation 2) of people that knew the generation (generation 1) of people that were alive in 1914.

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387,834 people

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A Lot

What are the release dates for For Her People - 1914 I?

For Her People - 1914 I was released on: UK: August 1914 USA: February 1915

How many people died in the great war 1914-1918?

25 million

How many were alive in death march?

11 people