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Q: How many people are allergic to kiwifruit?
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Are anteaters allergic to kiwifruit?

Anteaters do not have a mouth that could eat kiwi fruit. They eat ants.

Is the kiwifruit recognised as familiar to many people across New Zealand?

I believe it is recognised by many people in Nigeria.

One kiwifruit costs 0.50 how many kiwifruit can you buy for 9.50?


Why does kiwifruit have so many seeds?

why not?

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Are you alergic to your hamster?

No, I am not allergic to my hamster. That is because I am not allergic to many things. But some people are allergic to some types of animals.

What food do NZ people eat?

people in nz eat kiwifruit and many other exotic fruit. they also eat lamb

What are more people allergic to dogs or cats?

A lot more people are allergic to cats than dogs ( I think twice as many).

How many seeds in a kiwifruit?

they are all different

How many seeds in kiwifruit?

they are all different

Can you be alllergic to strawberries?

Yes, many people are allergic to strawberries.

Can someone get allergic to salmon?

Yes. People can develop allergies to most anything at any time. And many people are allergic to fin fish.