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Answer:Eight omelets.
8 omlets
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Q: How many omelettes can be made from 2 dozen eggs if an omelette contains 3 eggs?
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How many omelette can be made from 2 dozen eggs if an omelette contains 3 eggs?

2 dozen=24 eggs 1 omelette=3 eggs therfore, no. of omelettes made using 2 dozen eggs=24/3=8 omelette

How many carbs in an omelette?

A three eggs omelette contains 1 gram of carbohydrate.

What is omelette made of?

Omelet/omelette is made primarily from eggs.

How do you prepare and cook the ' Perfect omelette '?

Go to this site for step by step instructions:

How do you cook omelettes?

you make an omelette by cracking 2 eggs into a bowl. Next you pour this into a frying pan. Fry until top side looks thick and bubbly then flip it over with a spatula and fry it on the other side. Slide it onto a plate and you have an omelette. You can add herbs, cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, onion, ham, bacon, or anything you'd like to flavor the omelette.

What Omelettes are made from?

Eggs are the main ingredient.

Is egg turning into an omlette a chemical change?

Yes, Turning an egg into an omelette is a chemical change. This is because, generally, a chemical change usually makes a new substance and the change cannot be reversed, and we can obliviously not turn an omelette back to an egg. Our new substance is the riped eggs, which released chemicals while you making yourself an omelette. So, omelettes are chemical changes towards eggs. I Hope this helps!!

Grammar a dozen of eggs or a dozen eggs?

a dozen eggs

What is a basic ingredient of an omelette?


What is a basic ingredient of a omelette?


Whats the difference between a frittata and an omelette?

Frittata is a kind of open-faced Italian omelette that can contain cheese, vegetables, or even leftover pasta. Frittate are cooked slowly. Except for the cooking fat, all ingredients are fully mixed with the eggs before cooking starts. An omelette or omelet is a preparation of beaten egg cooked with butter or oil in a frying pan, usually folded around a filling such as cheese, vegetables, meat, or some combination of the above. Gourmet cook Julia Child once described an omelette as soft-cooked scrambled eggs wrapped in an envelope of firmly-cooked scrambled eggs. Traditionally, omelettes are partially cooked on the top side and not flipped prior to folding.

What is the difference in calories between a boiled egg and an omelette?

Depends on oil in the pan for the omelette, and what you put in the omelette. Also how many eggs you use.