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26 lemons

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Q: How many lemons make a pounds?
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How many pounds in a bushel of lemons?


How many pounds of lemons are in a bushel?


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How do you make lemons?

You can't 'make' lemons, they are citrus fruits which grow on Lemon Trees.

How do you handle lemons?

WHEN LIFE GIVES ME LEMONS I MAKE...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................BEEF STEW

I heard that heating lemons make more juice.How long should one heat up their lemons?

Heating lemons does make more lemon juice when you sqeeze the lemons. You should heat your lemons only for about ten to thirty seconds in the microwave to get the most juice from those lemons.

How many lemons are in the world?

23million lemons are in the world

How many lemons makes a pound?

26 lemons

Can you make lemon zest from frozen lemons?

you can squeeze lemons on a knife or something

Does lemons make you thin?


Do limes make better batteries than lemons?

Yes limes do make better batteries than lemons

How many lemons dose it take to make lemonade?

I use seven lemons for 2-3 pints. I use three cups of sugar and a cup or two of water.