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Q: How many inches do male Betta fish get?
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How can you know males betta from female?

In many fish species, including bettas, males typically have longer fins, brighter colors, and a slimmer body compared to females.

How many fish can a betta eat?

Betta fish do not eat fish.

How many fish fill a tank of 1.5 gallon?

Just one male betta, but you should consider a proper betta set up which can have 2 to 2.5 gallons for the one fish.

Can Betta fish co exist with other fish?

It is a misconception that betta fish do not get along with other fish. While intolerant to their own species, bettas can get along with other fish so long as they are not easy to mistake for another male betta - such as fancy guppies - or fin-nipping fish like many tetras that often go for long-finned fish. Female bettas can be housed with guppies, however.

How many baby betta fish do betta fish usually have?

Hundreds is typical although some will die young.

Why won't your male betta fish eat?

there are many beta diseases you can look up under betta diseases. but sometimes betas won't eat for several days. they sometimes don't eat if they are constipated.

How long do crowntail beta's live?

Betta fish have been found to live for up to three years in the right conditions, but few in home aquariums will live anywhere near this long. You may have heard Betta fish referred to as "Siamese Fighting Fish." This is because male Betta are extremely aggressive towards one another and will fight. They have been known to flare up upon seeing their own reflections so as to intimidate what they perceive as another Betta. Female Betta fish are not quite that aggressive towards each other, though it is recommended that there be many hiding places inside a tank if several female Betta fish are to be kept together. Keeping two male Betta fish together will almost certainly result in one dying, so if you plan on buying one or however many, you will need a big fish aquarium. I found this information on a website, but I have forgotten the website name. My apologizes. But I hope this answer gives you the info you need.

How many gallons does a Betta fish need?

A Betta fish generally needs a minimum of 2.5 gallons of water in its tank to thrive. It is important to provide adequate space, filtration, and water quality for the well-being of the Betta fish.

How many eggs can a Betta have per year?

None if there is no male.

Would your rainbow shark distress your betta if you put them together?

no i put my veiltail red betta a male of course in with a rainbow shark and a variety of a bunch of fish i have 2 bala sharks 5 cherry barbs 6 tiger barbs a rainbow shark a pleco and a betta in with them i have had many fish in with bettas the only one they ever went after was the crab! it killed it :'(

What is the difference between a betta fish and a Siamese fighting fish?

Betta fish can refer to any member of the genus Betta, which has numerous species, all native to swamps of Southeast Asia. The Siamese fighting fish is only one specific species, B. splendens.

How many fish do you get from fish spawn?

Depends on what kind of fish you have, betta fish can have up to 150 eggs and only 90% are born.