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40.8 grams

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Q: How many grams of sugar must be added to 60 grams of a solution that is 32 percent sugar to obtain a solution that is 50 percent sugar?
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how many grams of glucose must be added to 525g of 2.5 percent leg mass glucose solution?and give the furmela?

How much water must be added to 12 grams of a 90 percent iodine solution to produce a 25 percent iodine solution?

12*(90%)=10.8=X*.25 10.8/.25=X=43.2 43.2-12=31.2 31.2 grams of water must be added

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A chemist has m gm of salt water that is m percent salty so how many gram of salt must be added to make a solution that is 2m percent salty?

To convert the solution from m percent salty to 2m percent salty, you need to add m/2 grams of salt. This will ensure that the ratio of salt to water in the solution is doubled, resulting in a 2m percent salty solution.

What is the percentage by mass of salt solution prepared by dissolving 11 grams of salt in 80 grams of solution with solution?

The percent concentration is 13,75 %.

How much grams of ammoinum thiocyanate to be added in 100ml of water to get 1 percent of solution?

Very simply 1g of ammonium thiocyanate and 100g (100ml) of water!

How 10 percent DNS was prepared?

You have 100 grams of pure dextrose and 9 grams of pure sodium chloride added to one liter of distilled water. The solution is sterilized and packed in polypropylene or polyethylene bottles.

Does the Mass mass percent concentration measures grams of solute per grams of solvent?

No, the mass percent concentration is a ratio of the mass of the solute to the total mass of the solution, expressed as a percentage. It is calculated by dividing the mass of the solute by the mass of the solution (solute + solvent) and multiplying by 100.

A druggist has a 6 solution and also a 15 solution of a certain medicinehow much of the stronger solution must be add to a liter of the weaker to obtain a 10 solution?

The answer is 0.8 L: Let's think of a '6/15 solution' as meaning 6/15 grams per litre, and the solution we're trying to obtain is 10 grams/litre. In our final solution, we'll have 6 grams resulting from the one litre of weaker solution, and 15v grams from the stronger (where v is the volume of stronger added). Deviding this total mass by the total volume of the solution, we arrive at the wanted concentration of 10 grams/litre. Algebraicly: (15v + 6)/(1+v) litres = 10 15v + 6 = 10 + 10v 5v = 4 v = 4/5 = 0.8 L Hope this helps.

What is the weight of 10 percent acetic acid?

The weight of 10 percent acetic acid solution would depend on the total volume of the solution. For example, if you have 100 grams of a 10 percent acetic acid solution, it would contain 10 grams of acetic acid.

What is meant by the mass mass percent concentration of a solution?

This is (mass of solute) divided by (mass of total solution) expressed as a percentage. The solute is what you are dissolving into the solution. Example: you have 90 grams of water, and you add 10 grams of salt (sodium chloride). The water is the solvent, sodium chloride is the solute, and the solution is salt water. 90 grams + 10 grams = 100 grams (mass of total solution). (10 grams) / (100 grams) = 0.1 --> 10% mass mass percent concentration.

How many grams of IKI would to take to obtain a 100mL solution of 0.300 M IKI?

It would be 12.6g of IKI to obtain the 100mL solution of 0.300 M IKI.