There are six food groups.
1. Grains
2. Fruits
3. Vegetables
4. Meat, fish, beans, nuts
5. Dairy
6. "Junk Food", oils and added sugars
They are both healthy things you can do to your body
There are 6 groups in the food pyramid. They are Oils, Dairy, Proteins, Vegetables, Fruit, and Grains
These are: Double mix or two-mix – two food groups are represented Triple mix or three mix – three of the food groups are represented Quadri-mix or four mix – all four of the foundation food groups are represented Regardless of the mix, the Staples group should always be used at each meal Types of Mixes
The Canadian Food Guide is a guide to nutrition that was made by Health Canada. It highlights the four food groups and includes nutritional facts such as serving sizes and suggestions on a healthy lifestyle.
Oil, dairy (milk), meat, veggtables, fruits, and grains are the 6 food groups.
grain, fruit, vegetables,meat,milk products
Meats or foods rich in fats and sugar.
The food pyramid is a visual guide that shows the different food groups and the recommended servings for each group. It helps individuals understand the types and amounts of food they should eat for a balanced diet. By following the food pyramid, people can make healthier choices by including a variety of foods from different groups to meet their nutritional needs.
We all need the same food groups at all ages. Although proportions vary by age and gender, so referring to The Canadian Food Guide will give you an idea of what you need, whether you're Canadian or not!
Given the nutrition along with regular exercise, the food pyramid can get you off to a healthy start to burning calories and your exercise program.
The diets that follow blood types are ones that are not in the food pyrimad it is food that in really not real but it helps the person with the blood type out.
Food Guide Pyramid