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Q: How many eggs were used to make the largest Yorkshire pudding?
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Does microwaving pudding make a brownie?

No. Pudding and brownies are very different. To microwave pudding would make warm pudding.

How do you make moist and fluffy scrambled eggs?

Cook eggs over low heat, while only stirring occasionally to keep the eggs from curdling and drying out. The end result is eggs that are light and fluffy and OH SO DELICIOUS! Add one tablespoon of milk per two eggs. It adds the fluffiness you are looking for. Scramble well and cook at less than medium heat.

What is in banna pudding?

If you make your own pudding, the ingredients may include vanilla wafers, bananas, milk, eggs, vanilla extract, sugar, flour or starch, maybe a little salt. You simply have bananas, vanilla wafers, and vanilla pudding. You can follow the ingredients on a pack of regular pudding (the kind you cook), or you can find a vanilla pudding recipe. Once you start cooking the pudding, you add sliced bananas and the wafers.

Is custard the same or very similar to pudding?

Custards are milk or cream-based and are typically firmer than pudding. Moreover, custard usually has to be baked with a water bath. The main difference between the two desserts lies in the use of eggs. Pudding involves cornstarch or flour as a thickener, while custard uses eggs as its secret weapon.

Can you use selfraising flour in Yorkshire puddings?

I would not. Yorkshire Pudding is simple to make, but corn flour would REALLY change the texture and flavor. Stick with wheat flour.

How do you make pudding with out using chocolate?

don't make chocolate pudding.

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What does Yorkshire pudding stand for?

To a person from Yorkshire, Yorkshire Pudding might stand for good old Yorkshire and its culinary traditions. It is eaten and loved by English people everywhere, and by those to whom they've taught the art of this delicious accompaniment to roast meat. Generally speaking, a Yorkshire Pudding is usually cooked in the oven where you're cooking roast meat (traditionally beef). It is a basic batter (plain flour, milk, eggs) mixed and left to stand half an hour. Meanwhile, put some beef dripping, or a couple of tablespoons of fat from the roast, into an oven pan (a cake tin can be used, about 5cm - 2in - deep) and put in the oven until it's smoking hot. Now take the tin out of the oven and carefully pour in the batter. Return to the top shelf of the oven and leave to cook with the roast. When the roast is ready and set out to rest and the Yorkshire Pudding is nicely browned and crisp on top (it isn't meant to rise, but it will puff up a bit) remove it to the bottom shelf and turn the oven down; leave it ten minutes or so while the roast meat rests and you make the gravy. Serve all together, usually with roast potatoes and a green vegetable. A wonderful way to spend a long Sunday lunch! Leftover Yorkshire Pudding can be eaten cold or reheated in pan or grill with a slice of good Cheddar cheese and a bit of gravy if there's any left. Yorkshire Pudding can puff up a lot, or stay fairly flat. My mother's would frequently puff up so much she'd have to push it down to get it out of the oven: this was a matter for great family rejoicing while we all waited for it to arrive at the table. See links below for more recipes.

How do you make fat pudding?

eat pudding with a lump of butter

Do you make the pudding in Watergate salad?

No, you use the pudding mix as a dry ingredient.

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