One hen lays one egg a day, so if you want 1,000 eggs in one day you would need 1,000 hens.
one per day
You can actually get INFINITE eggs from the Day Care, but may only receive one at a time.
One or less per day.
We can take one egg in one day.. We can take one egg in one day..
one should take atleast two eggs a day to fight hair fall
Only one at a time but a honeybee queen can lay 1000 eggs per day.
You can have unlimited eggs a day... If you are active enough, you can hatch many. If you don't walk around in the tall grass or battle, you might get one. It also depends on which Pokemon you want to breed. If they aren't compatible, you will not get an egg. but, if you breed Pikachu, you will get several a day. I got four eggs from them in an hour!! So, depending on how active, and what you breed will determine how many eggs you can breed in a day.
27 eggs a day.
450 eggs
100 eggs
o ton they lay about 260 eggs a day. Most chickens lay about one egg per day. After the chicken gets around one year old they start to produce less eggs. Chickens do not produce eggs every day. A good hen will produce 320 to 340 per yesr.