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As of yet, we can hardly count the total number of stars currently visible to our naked eyes without aid of machine and even still they can't get it right yet. That is not something anyone currently has the answer to.

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Q: How many dwarf planets is there in the Milky Way?
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How many dwarf planets are there in the milky way galaxy?

It is not known. Scientists are still not sure how many dwarf planets are in the solar system or how many true planets are in the galaxy. If estimates from our solar system apply elsewhere, however, the number is probably in the trillions.

Is Pluto the smallest planet in the Milky Way galaxy?

No. There are dwarf planets in our own solar system that are smaller than Pluto and there are many undiscovered planets in the Milky Way that would be smaller than it, but are too far away to see.

Dwarf planets in the milky way?

No one knows. Astronomers are scanning the visible stars of our own Milky Way galaxy for planets orbiting faraway stars, but such planets would have to be nearly the size of Jupiter to be detected at such distances

How many dwarf planets are there in the Milky Way?

There are millions, possibly billions, of planets in the Milky Way. An exact number will never be known.

How did planets get to the Milky Way?

The planets were formed in the Milky Way. Our Galaxy (Milky Way) is older than the planets of our solar system.

What other things are there in the Milky Way Galaxy besides planets?

pluto,asteroids,stars,comets and dwarf planets Stars, gas, black holes.

How many official planets are there in the milky way?

There are more than 350 known planets in the milky way, with only 8 in our solar system.

How far are the planets from the Milky Way?

Most planets that have been discovered are in the Milky Way

To which galaxy did Pluto go?

Pluto is a dwarf planet located in our own Milky Way galaxy. It orbits the Sun in our solar system, along with the other planets.

How many of the eight planets are in the milky way?

The entire solar system is in the milky way, with all the stars you can see.

How many dwarfs planets does the comet galaxy have?

It isn't even clear how many dwarf planets our own Solar System has (it may be some tens of them, hundreds, or even thousands) - much less how many there are in the entire Milky Way or in other galaxies.

How many Red Dwarf Stars are there in the Milky Way Galaxy that we know of in October of 2011?

The Milky Way has somewhere between 100 and 400 billion stars; most of those are red dwarf stars.