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You mean, before you allow them to freerange?

One to two weeks.

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Q: How many days shoud you keep chickens in a coop for when you buy chickens?
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Do you separate the bantam chicks after they are born from the rest of the chickens?

YES if you don't the other chickens will kill them so heres what you do if you have a coop. keep the babies in a separate cage but inside the coop that will let the other chickens get used to them do that for a couple days then let the chicks out and see if they like each other if they don't put them back in the cage.

What do chickens do in FarmVille?

Chickens are animals, so they perform the way animals in farmville do. They take three? days to get ready to harvest, and they give you money, and xp for harvesting them. When you have a lot of chickens, you can get a chicken coop, which cost's 5,000 coins. The chicken coop will hold all your chickens together, so you only have to harvest the coop, and that takes care of all the chickens inside. Also, you can occasionally find a mystery egg in your chicken coop. You can put this up on your wall so people will be able to get it You cannot keep your own mystery egg. You can however, adopt somebody else's that they put on their wall.

Can you keep chickens at your house?

Physically? yes, but it's more sanitary to use a coop. Legally? Check your local ordinances.

If you have a coop to house twelve chickens what do you do with extra chickens?

If you have more chickens than your coop can comfortably accommodate, you may need to consider expanding your coop, rehoming some chickens to a new coop, or finding a farm or sanctuary that can take them in. It's important to ensure that all chickens have adequate space, shelter, and resources to thrive.

How do you take care of chickens when on holiday?

keep them in the coop. Put enough food and water in for that time. Or ask a friend to feed and water them for you

How do you keep predators away from chickens?

You can protect your chickens from predators by building a secure coop with sturdy fencing, installing motion-sensor lights or alarms to deter predators at night, keeping the area around the coop clear of hiding spots for predators, and using guard animals like dogs or llamas to protect the chickens. Regularly checking for signs of predators and repairing any weak spots in the coop or fencing can also help to keep your chickens safe.

What are the uses of portable chicken coops?

A portable chicken coop may be used to keep a small flock of chickens safe. it can be moved around to different places according to needs and you wouldn't have to commit to a stationary chicken coop.

What is backyard chickens?

Backyard chickens refer to chickens that are kept on residential properties for the purpose of producing eggs or meat. They are typically raised in a coop or enclosed area within the backyard. Some people also keep backyard chickens as pets.

How much land do you need to keep a chicken coop?

you need a lot of space so make sure the chickens cant fly out i used have chickens but they flew away its been two years and ihaven'teaten a chicken poorGeorgewhere are you

If chickens fly how do you keep them?

Chickens can fly, but they can't fly long distances. For the most part they stay in an outdoor run. We also free range our chickens and they know to come into the coop at night where they sleep. Chickens are a creature of habit, so you just have to let them know where home is, and they'll stick around.

What is a chicken house called?

It is a shed-like building to raise and keep your chickens, in the coop, chicken can run a little bit. An ideal chicken coop has bedding, nest boxes, litter, feeder, wired fence & floor, sturdy wall and roof, good ventilation system and easy to clean.

A place to keep chickens?

Chooks prefer to roost up fairly high, but within easy chook- jumping height. They will happily perch on a platform, or even just a horizontal stick.