

How many corn cobs on a corn stock?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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Q: How many corn cobs on a corn stock?
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A field has 311 rows cobs of corn with 187 cobs of corn in each row how many corn of cobs are there in all?

you just multiply them together

Will raw corn cobs attract raccoons?

Unless the cobs have juicy kernels of corn on them, they will probably not be interested in corn cobs. If any corm remains they will eat it, however.

When are corn on the cobs in season?

August 15,

The price of corn cobs?

jobo no!!!!! jobo no!!!!!

What is corn cob art?

art involving corn cobs used as sculputers or a basis for a painiting

What is corn cob cat litter?

It's just that. It's corn cobs which are made into kitty litter.

What do the catapult plants do in Plants vs Zombies?

They throw kernals which do light damage and some times they can throw bytter which freezes the zombies for a few seconds. If you get the upgrade then you can place on in frount of the other and you get like a missle launcher exept it lauches corn cobs. Corn cobs explode on impact BUT it takes time for them to relode the corn cobs. You can aim them yourself!

Do the Amish use toilet paper?

They primarily use dried corn cobs.

Can you successfully grow corn in containers?

We did it out here in the desert. The corn cobs we'rent real big but otherwise it did pretty good.

Why did Americans grow corn?

It took a while to let corn grow. they started off as a wild grass. The cob was about one inch long. After hundreds of years, the early Americans finally learned how to cross corn with other grasses to get bigger cobs and more cobs per plant.

What did the Chinese use before they invented toilet paper?

Their hand, leaves, corn cobs

How many cobs of corn are in 19 dozen?

228 ppl u just put 12 x 19 wowww