You will need approximately 6 pounds of chicken salad to make 50 mini Croissants. Each process will require approximately 2 ounces of chicken salad.
You will need approximately 6 pounds of chicken salad to make 50 mini croissants. Each process will require approximately 2 ounces of chicken salad.
really that depends on who you're feeding . 9 men wouldn't eat what 9 ladies etc. but if say 1/4 to 1/2 lb per person
About 13 pounds of chicken should feed 50 people.
I would make 12 pounds
As an appetizer, 50 gm. As a main course protein, 100gm.
How much will you serve one person x how many people are expected = how much you should make. For instance, if you will give each person 1 cup of green salad and you are expecting 50 guests, the formula would be 1 x 50 = 50. You'll need 50 cups of salad.
That depends on what type of orange salad you are making. To determine the amount of food needed you also need to know the serving size.
20 Lbs of chicken wings will feed 50 people
The best way to portion chicken alfredo is a 1 cup portion per person. If 50 people are being fed then a person would need 50 cups of chicken alfredo.
that would depend on how big the salad is... but maybe if it was diced like 50 g of potato for every 100g of salad :)
50 if served scrambled, poached or fried. As deviled eggs, about 25.