It depends entirely on the packaging. In most cases including beverages, the standard 'case' is going to be 24 cans. It can vary up or down depending on the size of the cans.
***#10 cans are in packages of 6
Campbell's Soup Cans was created in 1962.
a case is 24 cans
Different manufacturers have always had different soup cans.
Campbell's Soup Cans II was created in 1969.
The subject matter is Campbell Soup cans. Do not complicate art!
Yes, Warhol did a series of Campbell's soup cans.
The number of cans of soup in a pallet can vary depending on the size and type of cans, as well as the dimensions of the pallet. On average, a pallet can hold around 50-100 cases of canned soup, with each case containing 12-24 cans.
Have you ever noticed there are many different sizes of "cans"
Have you ever noticed there are many different sizes of "cans"
Normally cans(soup cans, soda cans, etc.) are made of aluminum.
Maybe you should read the can of soup before asking a question like that; also, cans of soup come in various sizes.
There are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram. If a can of soup weighs 251 grams, 4 cans will more or less weigh 1 kilogram.