it is not calculated but any where between 5 and 10
Goldfish do not look after their eggs or babies. They will eat their eggs if they can find them so the breeders should be removed once spawning has finished.
1-5 babies at once
The dragon goby is semi-aggressive, but mainly feeds by sifting organisms out of the mud. In general, like most fish, they will eat anything that fits in its mouth. A fancy goldfish can reach 10"-12" and a dragon goby can reach 24". It would seem that once the goldfish reached a large enough size, it would be safe. I would not put a 2" goldfish with a 24" goby.
Goldfish do not give birth to babies they are egg layers. A female goldfish could produce several thousand ova in one spawning.Anywhere from 500-5,000, better have a lot of Fish Tanks/ Jugs/... etc.
A hamster can have up to 16 babies at once but the average hamster has about 3-10 babies
Probably around 1-5 babies at once
Goldfish normally spawn once yearly in Spring time.
Goldfish likely do not have those sort of attachments that humans or animals have. Typically, the fry (baby fish) are raised separately anyway as the parents would eat the eggs and/or newly hatched babies.
6 babies at once.
Yes, babies are hatched a dull color, but will become beautiffully gold once they grow up! Yes, babies are hatched a dull color, but will become beautiffully gold once they grow up!
10 to 60 babies