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This vary from apple to apple, and also very much between the type of apple.

Most apples have between 8-12 seeds, but some have less, others have many many more.

The amount of seeds may vary with the condition of the tree, and the growth year also. If it is a particularily bad year, then there might be more seeds and fewer apples. In a good year, the apples will be bigger and have fewer seeds.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Apple seeds contain cyanide.

Cyanide has an LD50 of 8 mg/kg, this means that in a sample of laboratory rats, when the level of cyanide reaches 8mg/ kg of body weight (or 50 parts per million) 50% of the sample population can expected to die. This is the way that toxicity of a substance is calculated.

This means that an individual weighing 50kg will have to ingest 400mg of cyanide in order to kill them (50% chance).

The other issue to bear in mind is that apple seeds only contain a small amount of cyanide, so you would have to eat a lot of them to make you sick.

People have differing metabolic rates, this could also effect how cyanide is processed by the body and how toxic it may be to a person.

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13y ago

Probably 500 grams worth. Thousands of seeds.

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15y ago

189. Use 131 of them to close his/her throat and then put 29 seeds in each nostril

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12y ago

yes. a fact that i learned in Biology today! it is the cyanide(a toxin) in the apple seeds

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Jahanara Begum

Lvl 2
2y ago

21 apple seeds has enough cyanide to kill a human

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Q: Will full cup of apple seeds kill you?
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How many apple seeds does it take for you to die?

Around a mug/cup full.

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How do you plant apple seeds on a plastic cup?

how to plant appleseedsget dirt and put the seeds into it.get alot of water and poWell, you can plant them, but to make them grow, the seeds need to "think" they've been through a winter. So plant them in your cup and then put it in the back of the fridge for a couple months. Then give it normal temperatures. Maybe it will sprout.

Do you have to chill apple sees before you plant them?

Apple seeds need to be started indoors. This can be done in one of two ways: you can place some apple seeds into a paper towel. Fold the paper towel over into a small square. Keep the paper towel wet, and place it in your refrigerator. Keep checking the seeds and keeping them moist. In a week or so, your apple seeds will sprout. They are now ready to plant outside. Or, you can use a Styrofoam cup filled with potting soil to start your seeds. Dig a shallow hole in the middle of the potting soil and plant the apple seeds there. Set the container on a sunny windowsill and keep the soil moistened. In a week or so, the apple seeds will sprout. They will then be ready to plant outside. My Resource:

Is there poison in apple seed?

Yes there is its called cyanide but dont feel upset if u swallowed 1 or something like that you have to swallow like a whole cup of apple seeds.Cyanide is also fond in peach seeds and other fruit

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There are approximately 128 grams in 1 cup of peeled sunflower seeds.

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How many cups are in an apple?

Even a large apple would be not much more than a cup. A really small apple might get as small as half a cup. A crab apple might even be one-fourth of a cup.That is approximately 1/2 cup

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plant 5 grass seeds in one cup and say it was china in the beginning then plant 10 grass seeds in a cup and say it is china now then plant 20 seeds in a grass cup and say it is china in the future

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A sieve.

How many calories in mixed seeds?

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