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It would depend on whether the bread is commercially baked, baked at home from a recipe, what kind of wheat is used (whole wheat bread also includes regular flour) and in what proportion, and what other ingredients were used to make the bread and how much of each ingredient.

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Q: How many amino acids are there in whole wheat bread?
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What is healthier whole wheat pita bread or whole wheat melba toast?

Whole wheat bread has more fiber, but flat bread has less carbs. Try whole wheat flat bread!

What bread is better than whole wheat bread?

Spinach wheat bread

Is whole wheat bread the same as 100 percent whole wheat bread?

No. Basic white bread, for example, is a wheat bread, but it is not made with whole wheat flour. Whole wheat flour is made with the entire wheat kernel, which is why it is darker in color and contains more fiber than other types of wheat flours.

When was Whole Wheat Bread - band - created?

Whole Wheat Bread - band - was created in 2003.

What bread has less calories white bread french bread or wheat bread?

The question cannot be answered, because white french bread is wheat bread. Any bread made with wheat flour is wheat bread. You might intend to ask about whole wheat or whole grain bread, which is made with part or all whole grain flour.

Is white bread more expensive than whole wheat bread?

White bread is generally less expensive than whole wheat bread.

The recipe for whole wheat bread requires 3 cups of bread flour and 1 cups of whole wheat flour What is the ratio of whole wheat flour to total flour used?

The recipe for whole wheat bread requires 3 cups of bread flour, and 1 cup of whole wheat flour, making the ratio of whole wheat flour to total flour used to be 1:4.

What did Whole wheat bread sell for in 1992?

Whole wheat bread sold for $1.02 per pound in 1992

Is wheat bread leavened bread?

To put in one word, yes. Although, there are a couple different kinds of loaves of bread. There is whole wheat and whole grain. There is a difference. Whole wheat contains more wheat.* Whole grain doesn't contain as much wheat. *Wheat is also considered a grain, I think.

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whole wheat

What is the water content of whole wheat bread?

dietary fibre content of wheat bread dietary fibre content of wheat bread

Which essential amino acids do pulses lack?

They tend to be low in tryptophan, methionine (or cysteine). This can be remedied by adding whole wheat or brown rice to your diet.