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Q: How many Opilio Crabs can a Crab Pot hold?
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Related questions

What kind of crabs could you find at PetSmart?

Normally the hermit crab is the only one kept as a pet.

What is the species of hermit crab?

there are many species of hermit crab which one do you mean?the common hermit crabs species is bernhardus

What is six segments?

Crabs have six segments. Segments are how many parts of the crab they have.

Does a crab have unusual colors markings or structure?

not all crabs have unusual colors, markings, or structure, although its not the crabs you usually see, there is still crabs with unusual colors, markings, or structure. For example: The Red Spotted Guard Crab, or the Blue Land Crab

How many eggs do Japanese spider crab reproduce?

Spider crabs reproduce sexually, the same as normal crabs

How many fingers do a crab have?

Crabs don't have fingers. The have two claws and six legs

What crabs eat sea urchins?

The different crabs that eat sea urchins include (but are not limited to): king crab, decorator crab, hermit crab and many more.

How many types of hermit crabs are there?

There are over 5000 species of Crabs in the whole world but only 4500 species are true crabs the other 500 crabs are hermit crabs which are not 'true' crabs.According to The World of Animals. by Walters, Martin & Johnson, Jinny. (Published by Parragon, 2007) 6,793 different species of crabs are known.In addition there are about 850 species of freshwater or semi-terrestrial crabs.'True' crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, whereas hermit crabs [decapod crustaceans of the superfamily Paguroidea] are classified quite differently due to physical characteristics. They are not even closely related to 'true' crabs. For more information, see Related Links below ads...

How many crab have legs?

All true crabs have 10 legs that are arranged in pairs.

In total how many grams of fat are in snow crabs?

That would depend on the size of the crab but 85 grams of crab will contain 2 grams of fat.

How many crabs equal 4 ounces of crab meat?

16 ounces equals 1 pound, whether you are measuring rocks, feathers, or crab.

What is the scientific name of hermit crabs?

The scientific name for hermit crabs is Coenobita.