Some precautions are to spray the air with aerosol spray or axe, chew a piece of gum, wash your hands and put all your things away after you are done
if you chew it good, then no!, and it depends how big the card board is it could get clogged in your throat if you dont chew it and its big but it unlikely
20 calories for one piece
Gnaw means to chew on something which is difficult to chew, like a piece of leather. Foreign means coming from another country, or something which is where it does not belong.
Dogs chew all your stuff because they think it is a fun game. If you give a dog a chew toy and teach them that is what they should chew on, they are more likely to chew on their toy then your stuff.
You would choke if the piece was too big and it's easier to digest
Nothing you just chew it idiot!
wooden chew toys and hard things to chew on. that should keep them busy :)
It is claimed that Richard Walker chewed his gum for about eight hours straight. During this time, he did not chew one piece but 135 pieces.
Depends on how & why you wanted to but profession wise i personally wouldn't but if you do chew it discreetly
First you open your mouth. Then you put the piece of pie inside. Next you close your mouth. After that, you chew the pie. Last, you swallow the pie.
you should chew your food because if you don't then you die! simple and the food gets stuck in the lung pipe and allows you not to breath.