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A sponge will last (at most) 5-7 days since it was baked. However icing with cream, cream cheese or raw/semi cooked eggs expire after 3 days in the fridge. So it's whichever expires first - the sponge or the icing that affects how long the cake will last.

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15y ago

you can only keep a cake and eat in the next couple of days otherwise it goes stale

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Q: How long does sponge cake last will it last longer if iced?
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How long will sponge cake last?

An iced sponge cake will last around 3 to 4 days if it is kept in the fridge, but if kept in freezer you will have to give it a day to thaw and if you coloured the icing yourself ot may 'bleed' which means the icing will marble

How long does a fruitcake last when iced?

If stored properly (cool temperatures, air tight container), it will last for about a week or so. The actual cake itself will last for much longer, but after about a week the icing will begin to not be so good anymore.

How long will jello with fruit and sponge cake keep if refrigerated?

If stored properly, the jell-o can last for a week, the sponge cake for maybe a week and 1/2.

How long can an iced cake remain in the refrigerator?

It depends on the conditions. Usually, it will last for about 4 to 5 hours. If the weather or surrounding are very hot, humid, raining, next to a heater, under hot lights, or in direct sunlight, then it will last maybe only 2 or so hours.

Do you refrigerate white cake?

After it is done baking, putting white cake in the fridge will make it last longer.

What common office product will last longer if stored in a refrigerator?

drinks will and cake

What did socky do in the next episode of 'sabby's adventures in sponge cake'?

he went to africa and died. didnt you watch it? it was the last episode in the second season!

When did you last have cake?

Most everyone has cake for or at a birthday party. That's most likely the last time I hade cake! When did you last have cake?

How long does fruitcake last when iced?

as long as youwant, it has been proven to last up to three years!!!

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How can you tell when a cake has spoiled?

When a cake has out lived its freshness, it tends to get hard (which is slowed down by icing). Remember milk and eggs are some of the ingredients found in cake if you are unsure, it is best to just trash it. I wouldn't recommend keeping a unfrozen cake for more then a week; in the freezer, it can last much longer (months) if it has been properly wrapped.

How is alcohol used as a cake preservative?

Alcohol for Preserving CakesTo preserve a fruit cake or birthday cake, prick the base of cake all over with a fine skewer or cocktail stick. Preferably whilst the cake is still warm. Any beer/spirit placed in the uncooked cake will lose its alcohol properties during cooking. It will give a superior flavor however.Then feed the cake your desired liquor. I myself prefer a good brandy for a Christmas cake. I usually feed a birthday cake with sherry. Feed the cake for one month prior to its intended use (occasion).Drizzle the liquor over the base until the liquid dissipates. Do this two or three times a week over a period of one month or longer if desired.Undecorated (IE UN iced or frosted ), a cake will keep for years wrapped up air tight. You will need a good place to hide your cake though!A good hiding place for your cake is of paramount importance . The secret will be out. Its full of champagne cognac!