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When you find insect crawling around in it. Make sure you keep it in an airtight container.

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14y ago
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14y ago

It's okay. As long as it doesn't have meal worms.
if its over 5+ months throw it away.
But it'd be MUCH better if it wasn't expired.

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12y ago

You will become pregnant and die.

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Q: Does Hershey's baking cocoa powder go bad?
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Why your cake does not rise?

The first thought is that one may have forgot to add baking powder, or not enough baking powder or the baking powder was bad. Baking powder is perishable. To test a batch, add 1 teaspoon to ½ cup hot water. If it doesn't bubble, throw it out.

Is cocoa powder bitter by nature and why or why not?

Yes. Cocoa Powder Is Bitter By Nature Simply Because It Comes From The Cocoa Bean And Has Its Own Taste. Most Things That Come From Nature Have Their Own Bad Taste. Just Try Cocoa Powder In A Canm And Dip Your Finger In Ity, And See How It Tastes.

What can you use instead baking soda?

Using Baking Powder Instead of Baking Soda* You need to use 2-3 times more baking powder than baking soda. The extra ingredients in the baking powder will have an effect on the taste of whatever you are making, but this isn't necessarily bad. * Ideally, triple the amount of baking soda to equal the amount of baking powder. So, if the recipe called for 1 tsp baking soda, you would use 3 tsp baking powder. * What I do is compromise... I use twice the amount of baking powder as baking soda (add 2 tsp of baking powder if the recipe calls for 1 tdp baking soda), plus I omit the salt (which adds flavor but also affects rising in some recipes).

Does cocoa powder go bad?

Home kitchens have been known to keep tins of cocoa powder for years without noticeable spoilage. Such anecdotal evidence should not be relied on as safe, only as typical.

Can you clean teeth with baking powder?

Yes , you can safely use baking soda to clean teeth .More info:because baking powder contains baking soda, it could be used to clean teeth. Because it contains other ingredients, including salt, it would taste quite bad.

What do you use for baking soda?

Not sure what the question is asking.Baking soda cannot replace baking powder. Baking powder will raise a batter by itself; baking soda requires additional ingredients with which to react and raise the batter.For a homemade recipe for baking powder, see here: additional note: baking powder will go bad over time, so if your recipes are turning out flat instead of fluffy, try getting some new baking powder.

Is eating too much baking powder bad for health?

I want to know if eating baking poweder is harmful to your healh. I love eating it.....My kids think that I have a problem...I will go to the bathroom

Does Hershey's baking cocoa go bad?

No unless it has been either wet or exposed to an open package for a long period of time. Dont it eat if it was open do you want to be eating bug eggs? yeah i didnt think so either.

What is the usage of bakery soda?

Baking soda is alkaline, and when mixed with acidic ingredients, it reacts and releases bubbles of carbon dioxide. These bubbles, when trapped inside batter, help baked goods rise. Other uses: * Baking soda is used in devil's food cake because it turns the cocoa powder reddish brown. * Vegetables cooked in water mixed with baking soda don't lose as much color, though the baking soda makes them mushier and causes them to lose vitamin C. * Sprinkling baking soda on a grease or electrical fire will help extinguish it. * Placing an opened box in the refrigerator or freezer will absorb bad odors * Baking soda is a good, mildly abrasive scouring powder.

What are the good and bad side effects of drinking cocoa powder?

You cannot actually drink cocoa powder, so it would first have to be mixed with another liquid (usually hot water or warm milk). Good - Tastes good, antioxidants in chocolate aid the body, natural properties of chocoalte make the body happier, can relieve stress / tenstion Bad - Not always the most nutritious

Is cocoa powder bad fore your dog if they eat a lot?

Yes, there are cases where dogs have died because of it. Don't even give ti a little bit.

Why is hot cocoa bad?

Hot cocoa is not bad, but the negative thing about it is it's very fattening