I will only keep fresh fish (any kind) in the fridge 2 days.
Fish does not last long in the refrigerator. Depending upon the type of fish and assuming it was fresh when frozen, thawed fish could keep up to 5 days refrigerated. But it would be best to use the fish as soon as it is thawed. See Related Links. You can also cook fish from frozen.
If you are asking why cooked fish isn't keeping as long as it did before in your refrigerator, there are several possibilities, including: # The refrigerator temperature isn't holding as cold as it was before # The fish was not stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator # The cooked fish was not refrigerated soon after cooking # The cooked fish was exposed to more spoilage organisms at some point
According to StillTasty.com, it will remain safe for 2 hours out of the refrigerator.
Yellowtail snapper has a very distinct flavor. It does not taste like red snapper or grouper, rather having a tangy flavor and a distinct fluffiness when pan seared. Best served pan seared, fried or whole with garlic (make sure no scales). In my opinion, yellowtail is the best tasting snapper next to silk snapper however it does not last very long when frozen.
1 month
hehehe wieners
A long snapper snaps the ball for a field goal or punt.
Just long enough. No longer.
I don't know, but it'll last for a long time in the freezer.
Oranges can last from 2-3 weeks if left out of the refrigerator. Or 2 months if stored in the refrigerator.
Most foods should be safe for 3 - 5 days if stored in the refrigerator.