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Q: How long does it take for a lifesaver gummy to dissolve in water?
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How long does it take for lifesavers dissolve in water?

The sugar in the lifesaver dissolves when its exposed to water, because the water changes the sugar physically, I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong). When the lifesaver's just sitting around surrounded by air, there's nothing to change it's shape or its composition, because the air particles and anything else in the air doesn't have the properties to break down either the sugar or anything else in the candy.

How long does it take for a gummy bear to desolve in hot water?

Yes, I would expect that dismembered gummy bears would dissolve faster than whole ones. Dismemberment increases surface area, and solids dissolve at the surface. The effect is likely to be small, however, unless you also stir.

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When sugar can be dissolve in one cup of water?

Sugar can typically dissolve in one cup of water as long as the water is warm or hot. Stirring the water also helps to fully dissolve the sugar more quickly.

How long can a gummy worm get in water?

12 inches bye world johnathan said as susufakadeing him-self

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Try it! Who knows? Probably after a long while it will dissolve! XD

How do you dissolve cyanuric acid?

Dissolve cyanuric acid in a bucket full of water before adding to the pool. The hotter the water the better as the crystals take a very long time to dissolve completly in cold water.

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it dosen't

How long does it take for water to dissolve in water?

depends on how much sugar u put in the water

How long does sugar take to dissolve in oil?

Sugar does not dissolve in oil as it does in water. Since oil and water are immiscible, sugar will not dissolve in oil.

How long is the initial training program of the combat lifesaver program?

40 hours

How long the initial training program of the Combat lifesaver program?

40 hours