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A tree begins to bear when it is 4 or 5 years old. A mature tree will have about 6000 flowers in a year but produce only 20 pods. About 1200 seeds from 40 pods will yield one kilo of cocoa paste

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Q: How long does it take cocoa to grow and bear fruits?
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How long do cocoa beans take to grow?

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The cacao tree produces beans that are used to make chocolate. The beans are found in colorful pods that grow directly on the trunk of the tree. Once harvested, the beans are fermented, dried, roasted, and ground to make chocolate.

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How long does it take for chocolate to grow?

it takes 7 years for a cocoa tree to reach ripeness enough to be made into chocolate.

Why can't you grow cocoa in the UK?

Simply because our climate doesn't provide enough warm days to allow the crop to survive to maturity. The cocoa plant need a long period (at least three months) of consistently hot days in order to grow to the stage of producing beans.

What does chocolate look like when it is growing?

chocolate doesnt just grow on trees, it is made from cocoa beans that grow in hot countries, these are long plants with coffee like beans on the tops.

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Where can you get coca plant seeds?

Cocoa trees grow in regions around the equater. This is so they can stay warm all year long.

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