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1000 km

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Q: How long does it take bananas to travel to market and what color are they when they travel?
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Related questions

How far in miles do bananas travel from Nicaragua to the UK?

Humor If the bananas do not sight-see and have no side excursions, they will travel about 5,000 miles directly to the UK (as the crow flies).

Why do bananas change color when they are out for too long?

They are starting to go rotten

Are oxidized bananas safe to eat?

Oxidized potatoes will not harm you. It's the sprouts or the part of the potato that has turned green that could make one sick.

How many bananas can Corey get to the marketplace?

This question comes from the Math Central website: "The problem is: Corey Camel's harvest, worth its weight in gold, consists of 3000 bananas. The market place where the stash can be cashed in is 1000 miles away. However, Corey must walk to the market, and can only carry up to 1000 bananas at a time. Furthermore, being a camel, Corey eats one banana during each and every mile she walks (so Corey can never walk anywhere without bananas). How many bananas can Corey get to the market? As a reminder we're told to save our notes as we work on the problem. I can't get past an answer of 0. Corey can only carry 1000 bananas and he eats one for every mile so by the time he gets to the market he has 0 bananas to sell and 0 bananas to eat to get him home."The answer given is 533. A long explanation of the math is also given.

How long can you keep mashed bananas in the refrigerator?

Bananas do not keep well, a day maybe two.

How long will it take to fill a monkey with bananas?

A monkey can only eat enough bananas till he's full - however long that takes.

How big are bananas when they grow?

They are as long as a dik.

What are bananas sprayed with to accelerate ripening?

Bananas are sprayed with ethylene gas, which is a natural plant hormone that triggers the ripening process. This gas helps to accelerate the ripening of the bananas and enables them to reach the desired ripeness more quickly for marketing and distribution purposes.

How long are bananas good for after they are opened?

Not for long. They turn brown and yucky.

How long does it take to produce bananas?

A banana plant takes around 9 to 12 months to produce bananas, from planting the banana plant to harvesting the bananas.

How long does it take to transport bananas to the UK?


How long does it take for bananas to come from Africa to UK?

they put the bananas into there butt and then they ride in an airplane to the uk