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it depend but if you take care 3 to 4weeks

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Q: How long does it take Ruttger tomato plants to produce fruit?
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Is a tomato gymnosperm or a angiosperm?

Gymnosperms are non flowering plants. Angiosperms are flowering plants, and tomatoes produce fruit that develop from a flower so therefore they are angiosperms.

What do you do with tomato plants after fruit?

After harvesting the fruit from tomato plants, you can prune any dead or yellow leaves, water the plant regularly, and continue to monitor for pests and diseases. If the weather permits, you can also keep the plant growing to produce more fruit by providing it with proper support and nutrients.

Will coliform in water hurt tomato plants and get into the fruit?


What are plants that produce seeds enclosed in a fruit?

Angiosperms are plants that produce seeds enclosed in a fruit.

What produce fruit and seeds?

it is your but

Do all tomato plants fruit?

no some of therm have small penises and are scared

No flowers on tomato plants?

You may have got a male plant. These plants do not bear fruit. They are grown to pollinate female plants.

What is the most successful group of plants?

Angiosperms. -produce seeds inside a fruit -flowering plants, fruit plants.

What is tomato fruit or vegetables?

Tomato is a fruit

What will too much nitrogen do to a tomato plant?

Too much nitrogen can cause excessive vegetative growth at the expense of fruit production in tomato plants. This can lead to lush foliage but fewer blossoms and fruits. Additionally, an oversupply of nitrogen may make tomato plants more susceptible to certain diseases.

What is the stem of the tomato plant?

A tomato is the developed ovary of the tomato plant flower. The plant is called a tomato plant and the fruit is the tomato you buy in the fruit shop.

Can a tomato plant stay alive in the winter?

Tomato plants are typically annuals and do not withstand cold temperatures well, making it challenging for them to survive in winter. However, in mild climates with proper protection such as frost cloth and mulching, some tomato plants may survive the winter and produce fruit again in the following growing season.