One century
Chocolate cake will be good for approximately one week when refrigerated.
Usually about 2 days.
If it is truly being deeply frozen, it can last for years.
Most everyone has cake for or at a birthday party. That's most likely the last time I hade cake! When did you last have cake?
It usually has a label on the top or the side of the cake box, instructing you on how long it is good for. Normally, if kept refridgerated, it is good for about a week.
Depending upon how fresh they are, strawberries should last on the counter for 1 to 3 days. However, if you see fur growing on them, do not risk it. Throw them out!
it would only last a day if you put it in the fridge
If stored properly in a cool, dry place, cake can last for a few days and still be fresh and tatse good.
Cake has a long "a" sound.
My licence expired after 4 years (UK).
A sponge will last (at most) 5-7 days since it was baked. However icing with cream, cream cheese or raw/semi cooked eggs expire after 3 days in the fridge. So it's whichever expires first - the sponge or the icing that affects how long the cake will last.