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If you keep chewing nonstop, and not take breaks, each piece will last around 2 minutes to 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Hope this helps! Good luck!

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14y ago
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13y ago

it last 13 miutes

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Q: How long does bazooka bubble gum lasts?
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Who makes Bazooka Bubble Gum?

Topps Company makes Bazooka Bubble Gum

What is the bubble gum bazooka?

it is a type a gum that can be blown into a bubble

Where can i buy bazooka buble gum?

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What can I win with Bazooka Bubble gum wrappers?

an effin bazooka

What gum flavor lasts the shortest?

Wringley's doublemint or juicy fruit Last less than 5 minutes

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Who made bazooka bubble gum?

Walter Deimer

Who named bazooka bubble gum?

bob burns

Is Bazooka gum a bubble gum?

Yes. Each piece has a comic in it. ( Most of them! :) )

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do you think I know what is in the stupid piece of gum

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