A pregnant hamster will start hoarding lots of food and will get a little bit aggressive. They
start showing the baby bump about a week before giving birth.
For the whole process of mating and birth is 16 days. Hamsters have the shortest prengnancy.
Did you know? A hamster can get pregnant as soon as she has her babies! She can usually have about 4-5 litters in one mating season. Hope this helps-- Hamsterluver224 ;)
A cat can get pregnant within 24-48 hours after mating.
Well a hamster can go into heat right after she gives birth.
hamsters are usually pregnant for about three weeks
yes as long as its a hamster cause i have a Teddy bear hamster shes adorable name is daisy.
If you are talking about how long can a robo dwarf hamster be pregnant then it will be about 6 to 5 months,also NEVER TOUCH THE BABIES, since the mom hamster will EAT the babies. I know, harsh.
16 days is the gestation period of the Syrian hamster (teddy bear)
yes, the hamster could be pregnant.
it depends on how long she was pregnant so there for well just see
When your female hamster gives birth and you still have the male in the same cage, your female hamster may get pregnant in a matter of days. if not, hours.
You have to see how long it is over the gestation period. If it is really over the gestation period, your hamster may not even be pregnant at all. There are cases of false pregnancy where the hamster is not pregnant just showing the signs of pregnancy or it could have reabsorbed all the pups.