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Boil it long enough that it won't scald, which means you should only have the milk boiling for only a second or two. Otherwise if it scalds it will not taste very good.

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Q: How long do you have to boil the milk for hot chocolate?
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What is a chocolate drink?

Common chocolate drinks are chocolate milk and hot chocolate. Chocolate milk is a mixture of milk, cocoa powder and sugar, served cold. Hot chocolate is either hot chocolate milk or solid chocolate melted in milk.

How do you make loco hot coco?

it doesn't exist its just made up but i can give u a suggestion. boil milk with hot chocolate/cocoa top it with double cream sprinkle with chocolate and chocolate wafers.try it !!!!!! yum....

What is choclate milk?

Common chocolate drinks are chocolate milk and hot chocolate. Chocolate milk is a mixture of milk, cocoa powder and sugar, served cold. Hot chocolate is either hot chocolate milk or solid chocolate melted in milk.

Why does hot milk boil over when a steel spoon is placed in the cup?

The milk is boiling so it will still be very hot, and will boil over.

Why does hot chocolate have more thermal energy than cold chocolate milk?

because hot chocolate is hot and cold chocolate milk is cold. LOL i need a real awnser

What are the materials for chocolate milk?

To make chocolate milk you need chocolate and milk. If you have a liquid chocolate like Hershey's or Nesquik you can just poor the chocolate into the milk and mix. If all you have is solid chocolate, you will need to heat up the milk (slowly!) and mix in the chocolateuntil it's all mixed in. Then you can either drink it hot (hot chocolate or wait for it to cool (chocolate milk).

When milk is cooked it divides into?

Nothing. If you boil milk you end up with hot milk.

How is white hot chocolate made?

White hot chocolate is made by replacing milk chocolate with white chocolate in a recipe for hot chocolate. Simple recipes only have about five cups of milk and one cup of chocolate. Melting the chocolate over low heat and then adding in the milk creates the finished drink.

What do you have to mix together to form hot chocolate?

Hot milk, chocolate powder and sugar.

How do you take the chocolate out of chocolate milk?

Well, you can make instant hot chocolate and put water instead of milk....(although if its a health problem dont because most of the instant hot chocolates have powdered milk) and if its cold chocolate milk im not sure....make instant hot chocolate and cool?..

What is a chocolate drink called?

hot chocolate chocolate milk water chocolate ( hotwater and melted chocolate)

What is else?

chocolate milk Hot Chocolate salt water lemonade