Return them for a refund or exchange.
£37000000 Answer can be verified courtesy of the BBC Magazine article: CupCakes! Click on the link in Sources and Related Links section.
Yeah they can go stale. But they can last a while in their little baggies. :)
because there are some ingredients that cant last as long as others.
Yes they are, they have different last names because Sophie is married.
it is in the very last part right before the exit ( its hard to find )
It is a simile as it is describing the joke as last week's breakfast rather than saying it 'is' last weeks brekfast
higindigi kogo agalagam ugung sagagogot egehh sogorige
Depends on the humidity in your home and what you use for a storage container. If you live in Tucson AZ, it's winter, and the humidity is 6%, they're liable to last months. If you live on Maui and it's September, the humidity is 99.99%, they might go stale in a very few days, or for that matter, they're likely to be stale when you buy them. Storing them in a canning jar, or a leftover jar with a soft type seal ring on the lid (such as a spaghetti sauce jar) which forms an airtight seal prevents moisture exchange will greatly extend the period of freshness. Jeff the Chef
i would say picky eaters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The person who asked the question! ME! (look at 'last edited' for username) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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You Don't. It Gets Old and Stale to say the least. If You Try to save it it gets freezer burned.