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It depends how bad they are treated. You can kill a fish within minuets if you use bad water, but if you have good water then maybe up to 1 year, probably a few months.

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Q: How long do black moor goldfish live if they are treated unproperly?
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How long do black moor goldfish live?

15 years if they are treated properly

What does it mean when your black moor goldfish swims in a not normal position?

it will live

How old do most goldfish live to be?

It depends. A feeder goldfish lives to be about 2 years old. A fancy goldfish, (Black Moors, Fantails, etc...) can live to twenty years or more with proper care.

Do goldfish live on land?

goldfish do not live on land

Where do black moor goldfish live?

they are found in collection tanks around the world but originally found in China

Do black moors like to live in groups?

Not particularly. Black Moors are Goldfish. They are not schooling fish. Each goldfish needs at least 10 gallons of water so if you want to keep a few of them you will need a large tank.

Can goldfish and black molly live in the same fish tank?

as far as i know yes,unless your fish is aggresive

Do goldfish live longer when they have other fish with them?

Your goldfish will not live "longer" no matter how many or how few you have.

How long can goldfish live up to?

For househeld goldfish, they generally live 6-8 years

Do goldfish and jellyfish live in saltwater?

No, goldfish are freshwater fish.

Can fantail goldfish live in a pond with other goldfish?


Can two black moor goldfish livewith a mystery snail in a 2.5 gallon tank?

Absolutely not. A goldfish needs at least 20 gallons to properly live and survive, and grow to it's real potential.