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Some people would consider the risk of bacteria in food being left out too great to risk eating after one hour. Open Yogurt will separate after 4 hours, and will spoil after 12 hrs at room temp.

Yogurt, though, is produced with bacteria, changing its spoilage dynamic.

If it is still sealed, for example, uncontaminated yogurt has a much longer safe longevity*. However even then you are risking at least indigestion from the higher concentration of bacteria.

If it separates in the container, however, that is a sign it has probably been contaminated, or was not an ideal bacterial mix to begin, and should not be eaten regardless how long it was at room temp.

*Personal experience having eaten yogurt that at different occasions was; 6 months expired, left in a hot car for 1 day, and left in a backpack at room temperature for 2 days; with the only side effects being a change of texture with the hot car, and indigestion from the backpack yogurt. Room temperature is possibly the least safe of the three, based on that.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Yogurt doesn't last that long but it does in the fridge! Even if it has expired by 2 days you can still eat it(if it's been in the fridge all the time)! Yogurt usually lasts between 1-2 weeks.

as long as the expiration date says

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16y ago

I wondered this the other day too when I was looking at a yogurt that was 2 weeks past the date. It says on the container that it is good for 1 week afterwards. I opened it and did not see anything growing; or smell anything bad; or taste anything bad, so I ate it. I'm still alive (obviously). I wouldn't push it too far past the date or make a habit out of it, but I have a hard time throwing away what looks like good food just because of a date stamp.

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16y ago

Bacteria can form on food left out of the refrigerator after an hour.

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13y ago

At least two days.

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12y ago

3 wweeekks

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Q: How long can sealed packaged yogurt be out of refrigerator before it goes bad?
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Can packaged yogurt ferment before the expiration date?

If the yoghurt is stored at refrigeration temperature then it is unlikely that this would happen (fermentation microorganisms don't work very well at this low temperature).

What is yogurt packaged in?

In a plastic cup, either with a plastic lid or a peel-off aluminum foil lid.

What is the proper section to keep milk or yogurt in the refrigerator?

Keep it on the second shelf or freeze it.

How do melons chase yogurt when they only have 7 legs?

As you may or may not know, melons do not have legs. When stashed in the refrigerator, on the same shelf, melons can chase yogurt by rolling. Remind yourself to separate the yogurt and the melons on different levels or drawers inside the refrigerator.

How long can yogUrt stay in the fridge?

If it is sealed not opened yet 2 weeks. After opening 3 days.

How long will yogurt stay fresh in the refrigerator after it's been opened?

Usually 2-3 days

Why doesn't baby yogurt need to be refrigerated?

It has been pasteurized and acidified which makes it shelf stable while the package is still sealed. It won't have the probiotic content that you associate with fresh yogurt.

Why is yogurt kept in a refrigerator?

Yogurt is kept in a fridge because it needs to to stay cool & fresh for when you eat it. You can put it in a freezer as well if you have yogurt tubes and you want to make it into an ice lollypop1

Why is the fruit always at the bottom of the yogurt tub?

It's called gravity. Fruit tends to be heavier than yogurt, so the fruit sinks to the bottom of the container. Also, some brands put the fruit at the bottom on purpose. ****** Adding Yogurt to the cups is a multi-step process. According to the Dannon website, with their fruit-on-the-bottom yogurts, the fruit is added first and then the plain yogurt is added on top of the fruit. The cup is then sealed, chilled, and delivered to local stores. With their blended style yogurt, fruit is mixed with the yogurt, stirred until it is blended together, sealed, chilled, and delivered to stores.

Why do you cover meat with yogurt then remove it before cooking?

The yogurt helps to tenderize your meat.

How long can yogurt be kept at room temperature?

I would estimate a two hour limit for keeping yogurt at room temperature. Personally, I take it out of the refrigerator and eat it immediately. I see no need to keep it at room temperature.

If you freeze yogurt will the live active cultures still be good?

The live culture in the yogurt does not die when frozen, it becomes dormant instead. After you thaw or eat the yogurt, the dormant culture comes back to life.The amount of 'live culture' in commercially sold 'frozen yogurt' may only be a fraction of culture compared to regular yogurt. It has to do with the manufacturing process, and not the effect of temperature.The 'live culture' does die when the yogurt is heated. Heat treated or pasteurized yogurt have no live culture.I am from India. I always make Dahi (yogurt) at home. I whip and freeze a part of yogurt to start next batch. I thaw out the frozen yogurt in the refrigerator, whip it and use it as a starter for the next batch. When the yogurt is frozen, it does lose the texture. That's is the reason i whip the yogurt before freezing and after thawing.