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One to two months after its opened and in the fridge. Best way to tell if its bad is the color is no longer whitish.

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14y ago

Two months once opened, according to the related link below.

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12y ago

No u cant because it will not be good after that date.

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15y ago

it takes 60 minityr

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Q: How long can salad dressing go unrefrigerated?
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How long does salad dressing keep after 'Sell Buy' date?

It is impossible to say. Some dressing will go bad more quickly than others. If kept refrigerated, a vinegar and oil dressing should last for several years, while an unrefrigerated blue cheese dressing could go bad in a matter of a few months if it remains sealed. An unsealed bottle of dressing could go bad in a matter of hours at room temperature.

What word can go before dressing?

The word that can go before "dressing" is "salad." In this context, "salad dressing" refers to a flavored sauce or seasoning used to enhance the taste of a salad. It is a common condiment made from a combination of ingredients such as oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices.

How can you tell when-Olive oil and Vinegar-salad dressing goes bad?

A dressing of that kind will not easily go bad. If the Olive oil and Vinegar separate, just shake it to reconstitute. Both Olive oil and Vinegar have an unrefrigerated shelf life of years. Although vinegar is in itself a natural preservative (all acids are), if you introduce high protein items like anchovies into the dressing, they will go off more quickly.

What the effect the salad dressing on the crisp of salad greens?

Salad dressing may cause your salad greens to go limp after a while, but you would normally eat the salad before this happens. To help your salad stay crisp longer, be sure both your salad ingredients and salad dressing are cold.

Does unopened salad dressing go bad in 100 degree heat?

does tye dressing go bad above 100 degrees unopened

How much rosemary would you use for dressing?

FIRST: DON'T GO OVERBOARD. What are you putting the dressing on? Salad? :) Anyways, post what your putting the dressing on, then I will answer my best.

How much dressing for Caesar salad for 200?

Toss your salad with just enough Caesar dressing to coat the leaves; too much dressing will make your lettuce or other greens lose their crispness too soon and go limp.

How long can raw pork be unrefrigerated before it is unsafe?

Refrigerated food can only go unrefrigerated for four hours.

Why does the lights go off when they close the bridge?

So nobody could see the salad dressing.

How long can kombucha be unrefrigerated before it goes bad?

Kombucha can be unrefrigerated for about 3-7 days before it may go bad.

How long can store bought eggs go unrefrigerated?

They are considered safe, unrefrigerated, after no more than 2 hours. But this must depend on what the eggs are made of. A chocolate egg will be safe unrefrigerated for years.

Is vegetable soup a colloid?

salad is a heterogenious mixture and a coloid is a type of heterogenious mixture but they're not the same. i suppose it depends on if you have dressing or not, b/c it could start separating( the sauce would go down).