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Q: How long can fresh spinach sit out of the refrigarator and still be edible.?
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How do you keep spinach fresh?

I have found the best way to keep spinach fresh is to treat it like flowers. I put in a jug of fresh water which I change daily. You can keep it either in the refrigerator or away from direct sunlight on the kitchen bench. With that said I still try to use it as quickly as possible

How long can carrots stay out of the refrigerator and still be edible?

Fresh unpeeled carrots can stay out of the refrigerator and still be edible for a couple of days. However, if your house is hot, you should refrigerate them so that they last longer.

What does fresh-kill mean?

Fresh-kill is a term used in the Warrior Cats book series to refer to recently caught prey that is still fresh and edible. Cats in the series rely on fresh-kill to sustain themselves and their clan.

Can you substitute fresh spinach for frozen spinach?

Yes, you can substitute canned spinach for frozen. Be sure to check the required measurements so you don't use too much.

How do you write edible in a sentence?

I'm not that those salad greens are still edible.

Does cooked spinach go bad when left out overnight?

It can. Cooked spinach that has been left out overnight should not be used. It should be treated as any other potentially hazardous food and should be discarded. It does not mean that eating it will guarantee illness. Using it just isn't worth the risk.

Are raspberries still edible if there is a small amount of mold?

Of course they are they may not be as nice but they are still edible. But if there is a lot then chuck em` out.

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Why would someone sink a duck egg in a jar of water?

This is a common way of checking duck and chicken eggs for freshness. If the egg stays at the bottom of the jar, it is very fresh. If if suspends towards the middle, it is not as fresh, but it is still edible. If it rises almost to the top or floats, the egg has likely gone bad. It has to do with the air pocket inside of the shell expanding as the egg ages.

Is the pineapple still edible if the inside is brown?

No, that sounds bad.

When do eggs expire?

When collected and stored in optimum conditions farm fresh eggs can remain edible and safe to eat for as long as 90 days or longer.To test eggs, simply place the questionable eggs in a bowl and cover them with cool water. Old or "bad" eggs will float to the surface, eggs that are still edible and usable will remain on the bottom of the bowl.

Are purple flowering raspberries edible?

Yes, purple flowering raspberries are edible. Their fruits can be eaten fresh or used in jams, jellies, and other culinary applications. However, it's always important to positively identify any wild plant before consuming it.