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Hermit crabs can live for some time without water however it is not recommended and the more time that they are without water the more suceptible they are to disease and death. i have seen crabs live for over a month without water but most do not survive long after that, even when the are moved to ideal surroundings.

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Q: How long can four land hermit crabs go without water?
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Related questions

What are four characteristics of a hermit crab?

hemit crabs are lazy and fat

Should hermit crabs be kept in pairs?

I'm not so sure if they need a companion, but they certainly enjoy company. If you are getting pet hermit crabs it would be advisable to get three or four, and as hermit crabs aren't too expensive, you should think about it.

How do you hermit crabs mate?

It is very hard to breed hermit crabs but some people have however. You will need to have a salt water pool and many other things to suit their needs. more info.It is very hard to breed hermit crabs but some people have however. You will need to have a salt water pool and many other things to suit their needs. more info.

How many legs does a Female hermit crab have?

2 clawsLand hermit crabs have 2 claws. The larger claw is used for defense and to cover the hole opening of their shell for protection. It is also used to assist with climbing and the one they normally hold on with. It also breaks chunks of food off for easier eating which is then broken again with the smaller claw and passed to the mouth. The smaller claw is mainly used to break food for eating.

How many types of hermit crabs are there?

There are over 5000 species of Crabs in the whole world but only 4500 species are true crabs the other 500 crabs are hermit crabs which are not 'true' crabs.According to The World of Animals. by Walters, Martin & Johnson, Jinny. (Published by Parragon, 2007) 6,793 different species of crabs are known.In addition there are about 850 species of freshwater or semi-terrestrial crabs.'True' crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, whereas hermit crabs [decapod crustaceans of the superfamily Paguroidea] are classified quite differently due to physical characteristics. They are not even closely related to 'true' crabs. For more information, see Related Links below ads...

Do hermit crabs mate?

Hermit crabs are hard to breed so if you want work look no further. You need at least five hermit crabs in a large tank with lots of plants. If you do have this and have a few males and females this could get ugly, the males fight to the death for each female and will kill others. When the winner defeats crabs he has the right to mate with any female, and the others have no right. Now this is how they do it. The male first courts her by going close and pinching his claws, then the male forces her to take her shell off by gripping it and taking it off then the takes his off an they mate four thirty minutes tops, then the ending they put the shells on and The End.

Is it worth it to buy a hermit crab and how long do they live?

Well, Hermit Crabs are great pets, I have four at the moment and they are all active and fun to watch. They can live for a decade but normally for around 1-2 years. If you do get any make sure you get 2 as they like to be with one another. Good Luck

What size tank do you need for a hermit crab?

Depending on how many hermit crabs you have and how big they are, get a tank that fits the following:A hide out big enough for all your crabs to sleep in (with some extra room)Food & water dishes (2-3 dishes total)Hermit crab snacks (found in pet stores, only buy snacks made for hermit crabs)Toys! (such as climbing logs or hollowed out coconut shells. found in pet stores in the hermit crab or lizard section)Extra shells, bigger than the ones your crabs already have (found in pet stores)Plus extra room for your crabs to run around and play.

How long can a person go without food and water?

The old rule on it this is: A person can go up to four weeks without food. As much as four days without water. No more than four minutes without air.

Can you tell me all about hermit crab?

the best description is given here :- Here I know alot oH REALLY! Well here is the real answer. (I have been raising these wonderful creatures since i was 6...I think I know best...) Hermit crab is a kind of crab that makes it home in shells. I have tree hermit crabs which is the kind you will most likely see in stores. There are many things you need to know about crabs. First of all they always need water! These crabs love to be bathed/dunked in water to hidrate their tails. (yes they have tails) They also need clean fresh water and misting might be nice every once and a while. (not too much water tho!!!) Next hermit crabs change shells constantly. Its like picking out new clothes as they grow in size. That's another thing: Growing. Hermit snakes...shed their skin. THis is called moulting. This is when many people see their crab sticking out of their shells and think they are dead! THEY ARE NOT! YOU MAY BE THROWING IT AWAY LIVE! now the best thing to do in this situation is put the crab in a separate cage and give it everything it will need. Then DONT touch it for a matter of days. It will in this time eat its exoselaten (shedded skin) to gain strength. It in this serious time of moulting may be able to grow any missing limbs back! Small crabs take anywhere from two to four days and large crabs a week to two weeks. This is a cruciall yet deathly part of your crabs life. If you do not work it perfectly it WILL die. Well hermits crabs love friends so I sugest they live in 3 or more. They only mate and reproduce in their natural habitat, so don't worry about any of that stuff. Food it easy to receive because they will basicly eat anythng. *TIP* if you want to make your crab stronger give it an egg shell every so often. The egg shell plays as an exoseleton with out the moulting. Yes hermit crabs are carnivors so it is possible for them to eat each other. I would keep the big ones seprate from the small ones. Feasting on a dead hermit crab is highly common, because they need the nutrience. They love things to climb on because they are tree crabs. As far as gender goes the males are usually hairier than the females, but it is almost impossible to tell. There is a certain markings that the male or female has but I have tried looking and it is very hard to tell. Their life span is unpredictable. If you are a horrible owner it might live for a week or a month or two. If you care for them they can live to be over 20. THis is highly uncommon, but it is possible. I have had one of my crabs for 5 years now and it is healthy and strong. So anything is possible. They come in all different sizes, so there is no perdicting how big a tree hermit crab may become. They are called hermit crabs because they live in little shells and go in when they are scared, but the truth is they are very sociable creatures and the more you hold them the more fun they get! I have created mazes for mine to run through before, but keep a very carful eye on them, they can do things that amaze you. They usually have two legs on each side of their body two eyes that stick out like a snail, two claws on big and one small and four antenna. The claws are used for breaking down things (big) and placing them in the mouth(small). *cool fact* watch a hermit crab eat one time...its cool but may freak you out. Look carefully at where/what the small claw is placing or should I say handing the food to. Picking a healthy crab is pretty easy. Its not how fast or lively or friendly the crab is its how fast the antena are moving. Well thanks for letting me enlight you on hermit crabs. If you have any questions email me at THANK YOU!

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How often do hermit crabs shed their skin?

The young develop in four stages, two of which (the naulipus and protozoea) occur while still in the egg. Most hatch at the third stage, the zoea. This is a larval stage wherein the crab has several long spines, a long narrow abdomen, and large fringed antennae. The fourth stage of development is the megalopa.Juvenile land hermit crabs move away from the water. They then grow and develop through moulting in which they shed their exoskeleton. During moulting, they are extremely vulnerable and inactive, and usually burrow in the ground for protection. The new exoskeleton hardens and the crab regenerates lost or broken claws or legs in around 10 days. A hermit crab can moult as often as every other month when young, and every 18 months when they are older.-WikipediaHope this helped...