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Q: How long can cornmeal keep in the freezer?
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How long can you keep better in the freezer?

I don't know about you, but I feel worse in the freezer!

Can you get burns from touching a freezer?

I think if you keep your hand long enough in a freezer it can get frost bite, but no. You can not get freezer burn from touching a freezer. That requires a long peorid of time.

How long can fresh fish keep in freezer?

A long time

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until the freezer breaks down until the freezer breaks down

How long can you keep leftovers in the freezer?

2 weeks

How long can you keep muffins in the freezer?

2 hours

How long can you keep a whole watermelon in the freezer?

Watermelons do not like the freezer. If you put it in you can leave it in there for as long as you want, as long as you don't plan to enjoy it later on.

How long can you keep a roast chicken in the freezer?

About a week in a half

What will happen if you put a shaken up bottle of soda in the freezer for a while then take it out will it still explode?

umm it depends how long it is in the freezer and if it still not frozen it will explode but if you keep it in the freezer and it will turn to ice and it wont explode. umm it depends how long it is in the freezer and if it still not frozen it will explode but if you keep it in the freezer and it will turn to ice and it wont explode.

How long can you keep a steak in freezer?

forever because its freezed :D

How long can you keep pork in the freezer before it spoils?

5 months

How long is it okay to keep meats in a freezer?

Meats are generally considered safe to store for up to one year in a freezer as long as they were fresh upon freezing.