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Q: How long can a jewel starfish live without being in the water?
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Does a starfish live in the water?

no they live in the sky with all the other stars. Starfish do live in the water, this is *truebabygurl95* - *skater8sk8* gave you the wrong answer, and is just goofing off and goofing around but, I am being serious. But, YES the [Starfish], do live in the [WATER]!!!! and *NOT THE SKY*!!!!!!!(:.

What organisms are affected by water?

Sponges and starfish even you are affected. without water life on earth wouldn't exist.

What types of different starfish are there What is the scientific name for a starfish?

It is called toilet water.

Is it salt water that the starfish live in?

Yes, starfish do live in salt water.

Do StarFish Eat Water?

No, Starfish do not eat water. It is impossible to "eat" water, unless it is frozen.

Where does water enter a starfish?

Water enters the starfish through the madreporite or the tube feet, but mainly the madreporite.

Can starfish survive being washed ashore?

Starfish can live in cold water, as well as shallow and tropical water. These are the natural habitats for starfish and they can live between 35 and 40 years.

How are starfish and horses different?

Starfish and Horses are different by: Starfish live in water and horses don't, Horses run and starfish don't. ( That is mostly all I got)

Where does water leaves a starfish?

Water exits through the tube feet of a starfish.

Can you get a starfish at a petstore?

It is possible to get a starfish at a petstore. One petstore that sells starfish is PetCo. Care should be taken care of starfish; they need to live in salt water.

How are starfish and plants relative?

They both have to have water to survive. A plant has to have water and if the starfish gets taken out of water for a long period of time it will die.

Do pike eat starfish?

No, the pike is a freshwater fish and starfish live in salt water.