

How long can a goldfish travel?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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9y ago

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It depends. How are you transporting it? If it's just in a fish bag with oxygen, probably a couple of hours in conditions that are not too extreme or stressful. If it's in an open container, probably a little bit longer, but you have to be a lot more careful. Remember, traveling can be extremely stressful for a fish, so try to minimize it as much as possible.

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9y ago

Indefinitely if properly treated. Goldfish can gulp surface oxygen as well as take oxygen in through their gills. If you're using a largish fish bag that is half water and half air, the goldfish should easily be able to survive a couple hours in a bag as long as the ambient temperature doesn't get too hot or cold. If travelling longer, I would recommend simply putting the fish in a clean, non-toxic container with plenty of water (not so much it will splash out or allow the fish to jump out) and leave the top off. If the fish has to travel in a bag for a long time, every hour or so open the bag and let in fresh air. You can also you a small cup (like a dixie cup) to scoop up some of the water and pour back into the bag several times, this will force surface air into the water and re-oxygenate it.

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