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Q: How is yogurt made and why does it have more nutrients than milk?
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What animal does yogurt come from?

Greek yogurt can come from more than one animal. It is typically made from cow's or sheep's milk but in the US, most brands are made with cow's milk.

Why is milk different from yogurt?

well yogurt has more sugar plus yogurt has fruit in itMore information:Yogurt is cultured from milk.

What is the different between ice cream and frozen yogurt?

Ice cream is made from cream and tends to be higher in fat than frozen yogurt. Ice cream is composed primarily of water (from milk and cream) with sweeteners such as corn syrup or sugar, flavorings, emulsifiers, stabilizers, milk solids, and milk fat. Milk fat gives ice cream its distinctive richness and characteristic smooth texture. Federal law mandates that anything labeled ice cream must contain at least 10% milk fat by weight. Frozen yogurt is similar to ice cream, but made with yogurt rather than cream. It usually has less fat than ice cream, but higher amounts of fat and substantially more calories than yogurt. Fat-free frozen yogurts exist, but they often have even more added sugar than other varieties. Frozen yogurt is richer in many minerals and nutrients than ice cream, but is not as healthy as regular yogurt.

How is yogurt different from milk?

The milk used is to make yogurts are curdled and mixed with good bacteria.Yoghurt is a manufactured product made from a natural product, milk. It is made by adding a bacterial culture (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilusbacteria) to milk and allowing the mixture to ferment. Typically yoghurt is much more viscous (thicker) than milk as it contains bacteria and coagulated milk proteins. The taste is changed from the original milk due to reduced sugar levels and fermentation byproducts/

Why does cheese have more nutrients than milk?

more nutrients

What has more nutrients milk or apple juice?


Do Milk Really Keep your Bones Strong?

No, its all made up, drink lots of soda instead, there are more nutrients in it than milk.

Is ice cream better than frozen yogurt and sorbet?

There are a few benefits of choosing frozen yogurt over ice cream. It's lower in fat content because of the use of milk rather than heavy cream which is used in ice cream. Ice cream contains a lot more sugar and frozen yogurt offers more minerals and nutrients for being healthy.

Where can you learn more about greek yogurt nutrition?

You can learn more about Green Yogurt Nutrition online, or you can learn about it from many health books with the topic of Probiotics. Greek Yogurt is loaded with Probiotics which are good bacteria that help your body absorb more nutrients from your food.

When you add yogurt to milk why does it get thicker?

Part of it is probably due to the bacterial fermentation: acid is produced, which clots the milk just like if you let it go sour. The proteins start clinging to each other and also absorb more water. However, I find commercial yogurt is also heated, further denaturing the proteins and making the product more thick than home-made yogurt ever gets.

Why is yogurt not a pure substance?

Yogurt is not a pure substance because its a mixture of different elements/molecules (Cow milk and sugar and more...) from the Periodic Table

How can you made toned milk at home?

Toned milk or double toned milk is the milk that has had the fat removed and then mixed with fresh milk. The fat is then removed a second time. To do this at home, skim the aft from milk, and then mix the skim milk with fresh milk to repeat the process. This is a choice milk because milk fat takes up a lot of the contents of milk. When the fat is removed, there is more room for the other nutrients. Toned milk has double the nutrients of regular milk.