Corn, or by its more international name, maize, is usually grown by tilling up the soil, working it down smooth to make a good seedbed, and planting the seed (by hand or machine) about 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) down in the soil. If the soil is damp and warm enough (50 deg. F or higher), the corn will emerge in 1 to 2 weeks. Then weeds, insects, and diseases need to be controlled for the next two to four months. If the corn is for human consumption (sweet corn), it will be ready to harvest about 18 to 21 days after the pollen has fallen on exposed silks. If the corn is to be grown to full maturity (senescence), it will be ready when the the kernels have dried on the cob to the point where they are quite hard and can be separated completely from the cob. Dried corn kernels can be stored the longest if they are dried to about 15% moisture content.
Corn is grown by first seeding the corn seeds via seeder in the feild. The type of seeder varies per farm; air seeder, disc/packer seeder, etc. Kernels are placed around 6 inches apart with row spacing of 12". Then nature pretty much takes over, provided the corn is planted early enough in spring so that it gets enough growing days, sunlight and moisture to grow. Herbicides and pesticides may need to be sprayed when the corn plants are in their 3 to 4-leaf stage. (Different herbicides have different recommended times that crops should be sprayed; some with plants at a young stage, others when plants are nearing flowering. This all depends on the species of crops being sprayed though.) Corn can be harvested when the cobs are fully filled out or when the kernels are in the doughy stage (the kernels, when squeezed between the fingers, have a doughy feel to them), or when they are at the hard dough stage.
Corn grows on every continent except Antarctica. Most corn is grown in middle latitudes (between 30 and 45 degrees), about equal to the area north of New Orleans and south of Montana in the Northern Hemisphere. In the US, this area is sometimes referred to as the "Corn Belt".
Corn is grown all around the world. Most of the corn grown in the United States is grown in the Corn Belt. The Corn Belt includes the states of Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska. The United States is the leading corn grower and grows more than 35% of the world's corn. From your answer helper:) CHEWYGUM:) if you have anymore question for me please send or leave me a message!
Maize is corn, so it is planted, grown, then harvested.
Maize is grown in well-drained fertile soil.
Maize, also known as corn, is grown in many countries around the world. Some of the top producers of maize include the United States, China, Brazil, and Argentina. Maize is a versatile crop that can be grown in a variety of climates, but it thrives in warm temperatures with plenty of sunlight and adequate rainfall.
Maize, cassava, sorghum, millet, peanuts, lupine, and sweet potatoes are grown in Zambia
Maize is a type of corn and is originally from Central America. However, it can be grown anywhere there are adequate conditions. not really its gay gay gay
The main crops that are grown in Africa are:Tobacco, maize, rice, and more
Maize is grown in any season that is a good growing season for this crop. In Canada, for instance, maize is planted in the spring and is harvested in the fall.
corn known as maize
Maize corn
Wheat, Barley, Maize, RICE
Corn (maize)