

How is gum good for school students?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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βˆ™ 6y ago

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There have been formal studies and anecdotal evidence proving that gum chewing is actually good for students. One study showed that gum-chewing increased standardized math test scores by 3% and resulted in a better final math grades. Another study found that Chewing Gum increased students' alertness and attention spans, resulted in a better heart rate, and improved reaction times.

Classroom experiences have shown that chewing gum decreases fidgeting and increases attentiveness and concentration during even boring classroom sessions. Some teachers reported that gum-chewing students required fewer breaks, paid better attention and stayed quiet longer than those who did not. Students report that chewing gum permits them to relax and perform better on tests.

The reasons for this are not certain. Some say chewing increases blood flow to the brain (one site said up to a 25% increase). Others think that just the little bit of activity can suppress fidgeting and distractions. One dentistry professor proved that chewing gum helps to release insulin into the bloodstream which affects how memory works.

On top of that, chewing gum can replace the urge to eat snacks, can protect teeth and can reduce acid reflux - all which sound beneficial to anyone.

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βˆ™ 6y ago
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Students should be allowed to chew gum in school!!! First of all we would nothave to stick it to the desk if we were allowed to chew gum in school because then wecould throw it in the trash without getting in trouble!

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