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gold fish just like their name the way it is

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9y ago

goldfish only lives in water

frog lives in water or on land (amphibian)

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Q: How is a goldfish different from a frog?
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Can you put a frog in an aquarium with a goldfish?

No you cannot put a frog with goldfish; goldfish belong with goldfish

Can you put a goldfish and an African water frog together?

No. Goldfish are a cold water fish and African dwarf frogs are tropical. Their waters carry different bacteria and they can make each other very sick.

Can goldfish eat frogs?

If the frog is small yes. If big the fish is likely to be eaten

Does a goldfish get along with an African frog?

"the frog eats the goldfish, unless the fish are too big for it's mouth. " -unknown Yes the goldfish will get along with him once they know what he is. And he will get along with them. I have one and the goldfish are tiny and some are big and he leaves them all alone. Ive had frogs for years with many kind of fish that are small and he always outgrew them and leaved them alone. But in other circomstances maby not. - aaron!

Can you put a frog in a fishbowl with a goldfish?

no it would probbably jump out them go round the house. LOL :)

Can tilapia live with goldfish?

No, goldfish are best with goldfish. In addition, tilapia have different needs and are quite likely to be aggressive towards the goldfish.

Do goldfish and earthworms have a backbones?

i'm pretty sure goldfish do but im not sure about earthwroms, but im maybe 40% sure...??????

Will goldfish change color with different types of fish food?

Different types of goldfish food typically don't affect the colour of goldfish, however there are some specific goldfish foods that may enhance the color of goldfish- but do not change its overall color.

Why are goldfish called goldfish when they can be different colours?

goldfish are not always one color because they have different species. Also, goldfish can change colors over time. They won't always be gold or maybe they won't always be white or whatever color your goldfish is.

Are there different breeds of goldfish?

yes there is

Why are frogs different size?

big frog little frog

What are the different breeds of goldfish?

There are 20 or so different varieties of goldfish. Currently, there are about 200 breeds of goldfish recognized in China.CommonJikinBubble eyeCometFantailWakinLionheadOrandaCurled-gillNymphPearlscalePompomEggfishRanchuRyukinShubunkinTelescopeTosakinVeiltailCelestial eyeThere are several other crossbreeds my personal favorite is the calico.